Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

We are in Kodiak now with Dana and Shannon, my Aunt and her husband, but soon we will be headed back to Akiak. Jamie, I think would prefer to stay in civilization. Dana and her family have been such great company, for Marlowe especially. We have been spending like mad shoppers. Groceries, tourist items, electronics, craft supplies, games, books; I think we have single handedly become a boost to the economy here. Someways even here in Kodiak, people have little idea what it is like to live in the Bush. I feel like the things we need to do are confusing to people and alien. The postal clerk didn't get why we would have to ship spagetti sauce to ourselves. It is bizarre. I wonder how much this experience has changed

We are half way through with the year, but there is much ahead. State testing is coming up and other high stakes assessments. Our district office is really under the gun to improve these scores. Teachers I know in the lower 48 are saying there will be more rifting going on next year and no highering. I am grateful to have a good paying job. If we are here next year. It will really be like we are raising Marlowe in the Bush. This idea is frightening. With health care and being able to buy things he needs.

My class is shaped up some. Still needs work, but I think we can begin to work together. There is so much that I would like to be doing with them, but I haven't figured out how yet. Things that kids in other schools would come ready for, are virtually from another planet than the kids in my class. Asking questions? Working together. Doing research. Using imagination. Writing about something you've learned. Thinking of a story. I have had many little victories, but I am still a stranger in a strange land.

My resolution is to fit into my class better, and improve my teaching skills.


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you updated! And that you're there improving these childrens lives. Much love to you both!

Unknown said...

bravo jared - you are doing GOOD WORK. and your child will be the stronger for this experience. . .if there is anything i can research or send to you, to help you with your unique classroom population and challenges, let me know - exciting times :-) Viki Oak (kat's mom)

a socialist at heart said...

You will ultimately win the class over with your cheerful perseverance. Just don't give up on them.